


It’s the time of year we all have been patiently waiting for! Whether you’re looking forward to the festive music or meeting up with some of your relatives, one thing is for sure. You can expect to encounter all sorts of delicious holiday foods. However, while your tongue may be feeling rewarded, your teeth are not. Thankfully, a dentist is here to help! Here are some tips that can help you to maintain excellent oral health throughout the holiday season.

Drink Plenty of Water

As tempting as that glass of wine or can of soda is, the best thing you can drink for your teeth and the rest of your body is water. It helps your smile by washing away food debris and bacteria as well as preventing you from experiencing dry mouth. If you are wanting to drink something fizzy, try having a sparkling water. When you do drink soda, use a straw to limit the contact it has on your teeth. If you are seeking an adult beverage, try choosing something that contains less sugar and isn’t as acidic, like a gin and tonic.

Maintain Good Oral Hygiene

It is easy to get off course with your regular oral hygiene routine when you are busy planning family events, taking time off work, and travelling. However, something that shouldn’t lack is your dental hygiene routine. Even if you are just traveling overnight to a family member’s home, remember to bring your toothbrush, toothpaste, and dental floss. You can even find travel-sized dental products that are easier to pack.

Make Healthy Choices

Save a large portion of your plate for tooth-friendly foods. Turkey is a great option because it’s an excellent source of phosphorus and protein, both of which are needed to keep your teeth strong. Some great side dishes include vegetables like broccoli and carrots. They are loaded with vitamin A which helps to strengthen your enamel.

Go Easy on the Sugar

Candies and baked goods are all over during the holiday season. However, they are harmful for your smile. Hard candy, like candy canes, are pretty much completely made from sugar and can crack your teeth if you bit down on them wrong. Sugary pastries and desserts can stick to the teeth and cause decay over time. Remember to go easy on these foods and brush your teeth thoroughly when you are done.

Your Teeth Are Not Tools

It may seem convenient to crack nuts, open bottles, or rip open stubborn packaging with your teeth, but you could cause some serious damage to your teeth and even end up having to see your emergency dentist for immediate treatment. Instead of using your teeth, ask someone else for help or try to find the tool that you need to properly complete the task.

This holiday season, you don’t want to be spending extra time in the dental chair. By using the tips listed above, you will be able to start the new year with a strong, healthy smile.

About the Author

A Florida native, Dr. Alan Kellner earned his dental degree from the University of Pennsylvania School of Dental Medicine in Philadelphia. After that, he completed his residency at the State University of New York in Stonybrook. Following his father’s footsteps, Dr. Kellner returned to Florida and now takes great pride in providing top-tier dental care to his patients in Fort Lauderdale. If you would like to schedule an appointment with Dr. Kellner, you can contact his staff through his website.
